TB-VCT: HIV Voluntary Counseling and Testing for TB Evaluation Patients and their Family and Household Members in Kampala Uganda
Study period: August 2007 to March 2012.
The project aimed to determine the uptake of and barriers to HIV VCT among TB evaluation patients as well as comparing VCT uptake between Home-based VCT and TB Clinic-based VCT for family and household members of TB evaluation patients. This project has shown that it is feasible to carry HIV testing of households of subjects at high risk of testing HIV positive in this resource limited setting, although invariably showing that home HIV testing was superior to clinic based HIV testing for successfully testing household members. Predictors of successful Household Testing were, testing at Home Vs Clinic (aOR, 4.0, (1.6-6.2), higher household size and household member being female. The highest yield of HIV positive among household members was a spouse of an HIV positive TB evaluation subject. These results provide a working model of TB/HIV VCT that could be rapidly implemented across sub-Saharan Africa given the substantial pre-existing TB control infrastructure in the region. Collaborators: MU-UCSF Research Collaboration. Sponsored by: The National Institute of Health (NIH)